World Sufi Media

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Stop attacks on Sufi Shrines- Mazars, Dargahs, and Khanqahs.

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Bangladeshi English News media says, In recent days, violent attacks on Sufi shrines across the country have alarmingly increased. Following the recent political changeover, fanatics have vandalised and set several shrines on fire in Sylhet, Comilla, and Chattogram. In the absence of media coverage and condemnation from civil society, these extremists are continuing their rampage.

Most Sufi shrines in Bangladesh date back hundreds of years and represent a pluralistic Islam characterised by peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. These shrines (Mazars, Dargahs, and Khanqahs) embody diversity, welcoming all visitors without labelling or compartmentalising them as rich or poor.

They provide food for orphans and shelter for the homeless. However, fanatics, ignorant of the ancient spiritual traditions and the peaceful existence of Sufis in this land, are using social media to spread a virulent hate campaign against Sufism.




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