Tariqa Tijaniyya does not belong to any fraternity and no one has the right to claim ownership of this Tariqa. Mawlana Rasool’Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم is the Owner, The Shaykh of this Tariqa is Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad b. Muhammad Al Tijani رضي الله عنه and Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim b. Abd’allah Niasse رضي الله عنه is the Khalifa of this Tariqa. They represent the three Divine Presences (al-Hadrat al-Thalatha).
Some ignorant fellows ascribe the ownership or headship of this Tariqa to their Shaykh due to their contributions to the Tariqa. Yes, their contributions can make them elites of this Tariqa but not the Shaykh.
No scholar in history has ccontributed to this Tariqa and Islam at large than Maulana Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين, yet He never claimed ownership nor addressed himself as the Shaykh of this Tariqa.
Shaykh Abdul Baqi Miftah in his book, “أضواء على الشيخ أحمد التجاني وأتباعه”, chapter five covers the disciple and successors of Shaykh Ahmad b Muhammad Al Tijani who spread Tariqa Tijaniyya. The author was able to give an approximate number of people who took the Tariqa from them. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه had the highest, over 30 million people took the Tariqa directly from Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (ر).
Note: The book was published and printed in Lebanon.
Though with these achievements, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Rta on countless times said He has two Shaykh (In Zahir and Batin). His Shaykh in Zahir (outward) is Qur’an and Sunnah which none understands better than him and his Shaykh in Batin (inward) is Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad b Muhammad Al Tijani رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين who is always with him.
Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij Rta in praise of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse said,
وإني أرى الشيخ التجاني خـاتـمـا
وأنت الذي قد صرت في الخاتم الفصا.
And I see Shaykh Ahmad Tijani as a ring while you (Baye Niasse) have become the lobe on the ring.
But when he was about to depart from this world, all he wanted was to die as a murid of Shaykh Ahmad b. Muhammad Al Tijani رضي الله عنه and even requested his grandson Shaykh Imam Hassan Aliyu Hassan Cisse to renew or revive his Tariqa.
Tariqa Tijaniyya has inward and outward rules or laws and one can be easily dismissed or sacked from the Tariqa without is knowledge. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Rta on his sickbed said to his Imam Hassan,
فالم بأن كل شيئ له حق فيعطى كل ذا حق حقه، فإن التجانية لها شروط باطنية و ظاهرية. المرء لا يعلم هل خطأ ظاهرها أو باطنها.
أنا تجاني لا أعلم هل خطأت أم سددت فإني أحب أن أموت تجانيا وأحب أن يحشرني ربي مع الشيخ التجاني ولذالك جددلى طريقة التجاني.
Know that everything has a Right, give everything that has a right it’s due right. Tariqa Tijaniyya has an inward and outward conditions and a person may not know whether he has mistaken inwardly or outwardly.
I am a Tijani but I do not know whether I have mistaken or succeeded, Surely I would love to die as a Tijani and also love to be resurrected by my Lord together with Shaykh Tijani. So therefore renew or revive my Tariqa Tijaniyya for me.
If this is the condition of Sahib Al Faydah Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim b. Abd’Allah Niasse رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين the what do you think about your Shaykh whom you think is the Shaykh of this Tariqa.
Yes, we must exalt all the Murids of this Tariqa and be obedient to the most elite as we are admonished in Ruhul adab, but we must be conscious of our utterances.
May Allah forgive us.
Source: Sodiq Adewale Omoshelk (sao), Lagos, Nigeria
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