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Sarwari Qadiri - Hajrat Faqir Noor Muhammad - world sufi media dot com


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It is said that His Holiness Mian Mir Sahib was sitting on the roof of his parlor along with his dervishes one morning. At the time, he was reclining his blessed head on the thigh of a dervish and taking rest; the other dervishes were busy removing lice from their patched garments when one of his dervishes saw the emperor of India, that is, the Emperor Shah Jahan, with his eldest son, Dara Shakoh, coming to see His Holiness, Mian Mir Sahib, and laughed. He asked the dervish for the cause of his laughter and exhilaration. He submitted,
“Sir, the Emperor Shah Jahan and Dara Shakoh are coming to see you.”


At this he retorted, “O ignorant fool! I thought you were making joy at finding some fat louse in your patched garment. You idiot! Are you showing teeth at the advent of the emperor?” In short, in their eyes, the reality of the worldly kings was less than that of a louse and fly. In their persons, there used to be so much reverence, magnificence, respect, and greatness of the name of God the Most High that the emperors used to shiver out of fear and terror of them and considered it their blessing and honor to carry their shoes. It is said that after kissing the feet of His Holiness Mian Mir Sahib, Shah Jahan and Dara Shakoh crouched in a corner along with the other poor men. His Holiness Mian Mir Sahib was chewing cardamoms at the time and used to spit the refuse out of his mouth, which the Emperor Shah Jahan gathered in a corner of his royal mantle, considering them more useful than diamonds and jewels. The following incident is related in the book Tadhkirat-ul-Awliya.


One night, the Caliph Harun-ur-Rashid said to Fazal, the Bermicide, “Take me to some Godly man. I am tired of the worldly pomp and show and the worries of the government. My heart might perhaps find some peace in God the Most High.” Fazal took him to the door of Sufian Ainiyya and knocked at the door. Sufian inquired,
“Who is there?”
Fazal told him, “The ruler of the Muslims has come to the door.”
Sufian said, “Why did not you inform me beforehand so that I should have myself come to the court?”
On hearing this, Harun said, “This isn’t the man that I am in search of.”
When Sufian heard this, he said, “If he is in search of a godly man, take him to Fazeel son of Ayaz.”

Then both of them repaired to the hut of Sheikh Fazeel the son of Ayaz. The sheikh was reciting this verse of the Holy Quran at the moment:
“Do those who have made a hobby of sin consider that We will make them equal to the faithful?”
Harun said, “Had I needed advice, this verse alone would have sufficed.” This verse served as a whip of warning to the heart of Harun. Then he knocked at the door. Sheikh Sahib inquired, “Who is there?”
He said, “The ruler of the faithful (امیرالمؤمنین).”
He replied, “What business has the ruler of the faithful got with me, and what have I to do with him? Don’t distract me from my work, and don’t waste my time.”
Thereupon, Fazal the Bermicide replied, “The king of Islam has also got some rights on the people.”
He said, “Don’t disturb me.”
Fazal the Bermicide insisted and asked, “Should we come in by permission or by force?”
The answer was, “There is no permission, and if you come in by force, that is your own concern.”
When Harun entered, the sheikh put out his candle so as not to see the face of Harun. The caliph advanced in the darkness until his hand touched that of the sheikh; thereupon, the sheikh
remarked, “How soft is this hand! Would that it escape hellfire!”

Seeing this, he started to perform the prayers. Harun began to weep and supplicated him to say at least something.
When Sheikh Sahib finished the prayer, he said, “Your grandfather requested the Prophet of God (P.B.U.H.) for the ruler-ship of some country whereupon His Holiness (P.B.U.H.) said,
‘I instruct you to be the ruler and chief of your soul (i.e., keep ordering your soul to obey God the Most High). This is more beneficial to you than ruling the people and administrating justice for a thousand years.’ Verily, Rulership is a disgrace for all the rulers on the Day of Resurrection.”
Harun requested something more. He said regard the old men, young men, and boys among your subjects as your father, brethren, and children respectively. Harun began to weep bitterly and requested he utter more.
He said, “I am afraid about this handsome face of yours lest it gets distorted and ugly on account of
vicious deeds on the Doomsday because many rulers will come captives there.”
Harun burst into tears and again made a request for something more.
He said, “Fear God the Most High and be prepared for the last day and resurrection. Because on that day, God the Most High will question you about every Muslim and interrogate you about the justice delivered to each. Should in this vast dominion of
yours an old woman sleep without a meal in the night, she will get hold of your skirt that day.”
Harun fell senseless, weeping. Thereupon, Fazal the Bermicide submitted, “Hold your speech, O Sheikh! You have killed the ruler of the faithful.”
The sheikh replied, “Keep quiet, O Haman! For you and your associates have killed him (spiritually).”



This increased the lamentation of Harun, who afterwards said, “Truly! O Fazal, you are Haman, and I am Pharaoh.”
Then Harun said to him, “I have heard that you owe some debt?”
The sheikh said, “Yes, I am highly indebted to my Master. Avow for me if I do not discharge this debt in my lifetime.”
Harun said, “I ask you about the debt to the people.”
The sheikh replied, “Thanks I to God, the Most High, I possess an abundance of his bounty and wealth.”
Placing a bag full of a thousand dinars before the sheikh, Harun said, “I inherited this as a legacy from my mother. It is pure and lawful. If you utilize it in your expenditure, there will be no harm.”
The sheikh drew a cold sigh and said, “Alas! All this advice of mine has been wasted, and you have not been affected. You have begun tyranny and injustice even here. I am drawing you toward
salvation and God’s forgiveness while you are preparing means for my destruction and ruin. I tell you to give your possessions to the rightful owners, and you are giving the property of another to one who is in no way entitled to take it. O Harun, have shame and fear God!”
With these words, he got up from before Harun and closed the door. Harun left in tears and said to Fazal the Bermicide, “The
Godly people are like Fazeel the son of Ayaz.”


Irfan: Hazrat Faqir Noor Muhammad Sarwari Qadri Qads Sirh ul Aziz

Courtesy: Sufi Faqir Abdul Hamid Sarwari Qadiri

ID - Tanvir Islam - World Sufi Media

Post Published by: Tanvir Islam, Moderator, World Sufi Media Dot Com


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