Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
13 December 2022/ 19 Jumada al-Awwal 1444
Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa RaḥmatuLlāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu BiLlāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. BismiLlāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi RasūliLlāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Sheikh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Sheikh Muḥammad Nāẓim al- Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Our Holy Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is saying that in the end of times because of the wildness of people, Allah جل جلاله will make rain more as wrath rather than mercy, and children will not be good, they will be bad. The time we are living in now, Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla will make it rain as mercy, but we should make Dua for it to be as mercy and not as wrath. All of us should repent so that it rains as mercy and not otherwise.
Many disasters happened in some countries, for example, in Pakistan because of rain and flood. It means there is some fault. And it is the manifestation of the end of times. This may happen everywhere. In some places there is no rain, in other places there are floods. Therefore, we should always seek refuge in Allah جل جلاله and ask for mercy from Allah جل جلاله to us. Because neither bombs, nor guns, nor any tools can stop this. Only Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla can stop this.
So when it rains, we should ask Allah جل جلاله to send down mercy. When there is no rain and water, we should ask from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla so that He جل جلاله sends rain as Barakah, mercy and Rizq, so that He جل جلاله doesn’t send it otherwise. We must do so. It is not good to go against Allah جل جلاله. Allah جل جلاله is the one who gives everything. You must say “May He جل جلاله give with goodness”. And when you ask for a child, you must make Dua so that He جل جلاله gives you a good child. For rain and for everything, make these Dua without forgetting Allah جل جلاله. Ask from Allah .جل جلاله
As our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, the rain of the end of times can come as wrath and rage. Children may not be good children. Don’t just wish for a child but ask for a good one. Ask that he is a good child. Ask the good of everything from Allah جل جلاله. Don’t forget Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
You see that nothing happens outside the will of Allah جل جلاله. People can be devastated with a tiny thing from Allah جل جلاله. May Allah جل جلاله not devastate us. May He جل جلاله not deprive us from His .جل جلاله mercy. May Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla show mercy to us.
Anything can happen anywhere. Therefore, always ask for mercy from Allah جل جلاله . We make Dua that Allah جل جلاله feels sorry for us, that He جل جلاله sends His جل جلاله Barakah and does not send His جل جلاله wrath. May Allah جل جلاله help everyone; people in need, farmers and all of us.
Because water is life. Nothing lives without water. And may Allah جل جلاله give it abundantly insha’Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sultan
Source: Mariam (Mawlana – Whatsapp group), South Africa
Post Published by: Tanvir Islam
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