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Sufism (tasawwuf) is not wearing clothes

What is Sufism (tasawwuf)

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“Sufism (tasawwuf) is not wearing clothes that you patched; it is not weeping when the singers sing their songs; and it is not dancing, shouting, experiencing ecstatic states, or passing out as if you’ve gone mad. Rather, Sufism is to become whole without any impurities; to follow the truth, the Qur’an, and this religion; and to be seen in a state of awe,broken and remorseful about all of your sins.”❤

~ Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi (died in Fes,
1148) [via Hamza Yusuf]~


Sufism or Sufi means “PURE” or PURITY of one HEART from all kawatir (affectation, multiplicity, desirous of everything) 💖


The name SUFI is not what others thought is an akhida (sect) not, the name SUFI is an expression derived from the Arabic word “SAF” (PURE). 💖


The reason that the SUFIS are called by this NAME/TITLE because is that their INNER WORLD is PURIFIED and ENLIGHTENED with the LIGHT OF WISDOM,UNITY and ONENESS.💖


Another meaning for this appellation is that they are SPIRITUALLY connected with the constant companions of the Holy Prophet S.A.W, who “once they called them by the Prophet S.A.W, “as shabi suffa”, the people of the bench”(suffa) & “the companions with woollen garb made by sheep wools (SUF).

this group of people have worn the customary garb of rough – wooven sheeps wool”(suf) when they novices, and have spent their life in old patches clothes.


As their exterior is POOR and HUMBLE, so is their worldly life.
They are frugal in eating, drinking and others pleasure of this world.


In the book (kitab al.Majma), it is said, what is becoming to the pious ASCETIC is the most ordinary n humble clothing and way of living,although they may appear unattractive to the worldly, their wisdom is manifested in their GENTLENESS and delicate MANNER, which make them attractive to those who know.They strictly follow the divine prescriptions of ALLAH,as they are in the sight of their LORD.


(reference’d book of secret of all secret by prince of awliya Abdul kadir Jilani R.A & kitab tadkharul awliya)


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Courtesy By: Nirmal Rai, Nigeria

ID - Tanvir Islam - World Sufi Media

Post Published by: Tanvir Islam

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