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Mawlana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ArRabbani - World Sufi Media

Prophet’s lovers should win: Sheikh Mehmet

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People who love Allah and the Prophet ﷺ will always win. Those who show enmity towards them are always in loss, both in the world and in the hereafter. Think about it, Mashallah even though there are so many poor and impoverished people in countries of Islam, they trust in Allah and keep making ends meet.

There are more than 80 million people in Turkey and more than 100 million in Egypt. They have put their trust in Allah and live on. Allah gives sustenance to all of them and does not leave anybody hungry.


A research on “How people are making a living and how they will make a living” was done in Egypt. A foreign committee came, they were surprised, and could not untangle the situation.


They were surprised: “This is a poor country. How are they making ends meet?”



Speaking of Europe, all riches are there. But because there are no blessings (baraka), they disintegrate in the smallest event and get their punishment. There is rebellion towards Allah.


Mawlana Sheikh Mehmet - World Sufi Media


There is no recognizing Allah. When they do everything according to their own heads, when they attack Allah’s Beloved servant, Allah lifts that abundance. He hits them where it hurts most. The place that hurts most and the thing they worship is material. They are materialistic. They have no such thing as a soul and they do not believe.





However, people in these Muslim countries trust in Allah, and when leaving to work in the morning they recite the Basmala and this way it becomes plentiful. Even if poor and impoverished, Allah does not leave the man hungry. Millions of people, not a few people. Pakistan is of 200 million and Indonesia is more than that, say 300 million.


The poor and impoverished are full, all over Muslim countries but Allah gave abundance.



Teachings of  Mawlana Sheikh Mehmet,

Source: Sharifa (Mawlana – Whatsapp group), @rabbanitalks on Instagram

Prepared by:

Shah Medu, Editorial Desk, World Sufi Media Dot Com


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