Prof. Dr. Syaikh Bahaudin AlHady
Bukit Raja, Klang Selangor, Malaysia.
Ahh- life is so fragile!
Think age is so ripeful but only awhile
With youth wields so bold, impetuous, powerful and strong
One could commit anything n do no wrong.
But really life is a travesty even mockery
Its truth shrouded n veiled from one to see
Through lifes trials n tribulation
One is made to realize n reckon
With age now in autumn n wintry
Whats there anymore for us to see
So if this is coming of age n maturity
Its natural to defy any onslaught of strange ideology
That smack with strange idiosyncrasy
Or even smells of over-zealousness and bigotry
Pardon me if I go ranting but be wise
The veiled truth be revealed full or surprise
At the risk of sounding didactic
Lo, its far from seeming trickery full of antics
Conversion is never in order
Much less compulsion used to trigger
End of the day one is free to choose
Willpower and freewill not to lose
To be judgemental is loathe n wrong
Open our minds and hearts and be strong
Hundred paths lead to Mecca
Having to be taught and told is a bad idea
So go easy and embrace tranquillity
For in hearts true without guilt resides the Almighty
In deep prostration and contemplation that’s a place to be
Only in Him and only Him our hopes resort
And never in other than Him in cohort
So beseech in supplication
And in full Bliss and Mercies be our station!
وبالله التوفيق
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