Post Managed by: Jannah Samawah Tahan, Brownsville, Ontario, Canada.
Asalamualaikum Warhamatullahi Wabarakatahu
Dear Muslim Brother and Sisters –
Have you ever heard in your entire Life that Every Letters, Every Word, Every Verse, Every Chapter of Al Quran is a miracle flowing through the INFINITE Treasures of Oceans of Knowledge of KALIMAH ROBB?
If you haven’t then spare 5 minutes of your time to lend your ears that ALLAH endowed and eyes that is bestowed for Knowing and Acknowledging His Limitless Blessings and Mercy filled Tranquillity Love Peace
Simply mind blowing, thought provoking- International Al Furqan highly recommends everyone to invest a little time listening to this.
You will NEVER EVER REGRET having ended up in this page to guide you through a permanent path of Peace, Mercy, Tranquillity and Harmony, that what thousands of us all over the World feels, Experience and have been acquainted with deep within us Soulfully and Heartfully.
Source: Youtube Channel International Al Furqan Institute
Bismillah. Hamdan lillah Syukran lillah. I got an opportunity to learn the greatness of miracle of alQuran knowledge, which i never heard before. For me it was amazing. ❤️
Before this, I was interested to read about the awliya Allah stories and their karamah. But i found there was no any single knowledge was taught to explain the stories. I wondered and asked ALLAH what is the valuable knowledge that seemingly hidden behind this stories?
After enrolling with the International Al Furqan Institute International Al Furqan Institute, i realised that ALLAH answering my questions. Speechless and never think before. Meet YM Maulana Sheikh Dr Ismail Kassim an Ahlullah, Ahlil Quran, is so PRECIOUS for me moreover i can learn the mukjizat of alQuran, the most powerful knowledge. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Now, i realised, miracles of AlQuran is not just for us to read the ambiya stories. But there are SECRET that we must learn and get to know, how the MIRACLE of ALQURAN POSSIBLE to TRANSFORM ourselves, innerself, increase our iman, our believed and could change our life 360 degree to become more Successful, meaningful.
ONE Simple Example, We read about Nabi Musa alaihissalam and his Stick right? Then how it will transform you? How it benefits you? By learning this Miracle of AlQuran you know the answer.
FOR ME, THE BEST THING and I LOVE MOST is the practicality that i know i couldn’t get, couldn’t find in any other universities. GUARANTEED
So with this I beg all of you, please, grab this opportunity to learn this PRECIOUS KNOWLEDGE of MIRACLE of ALQURAN . No doubt! BE PREPARED. Save yourself, your children, your family, with ALLAH HELPS by learning HIS KNOWLEDGE, (Al-Quran) before many disasters come as we know we are in the end of time.
I’m thankful to ALLAH, i know i’ve met the Ahlulbaitin Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam, which was mentioned by this hadith.
RASULULLAH Sollallahualaihiwasalam said, “Amma ba’du. O people, indeed I am a servant of ALLAH. My Robb messenger (Angel of death) is about to arrive and I must fulfill His call. I leave it to you Ath-thaqalain (two heavy supplies). The first is (the Quran), in which there is guidance and bright light. So practice and adhere to it and my Ahlul-Bait. I remind you to ALLAH about my Ahlul Bait, I remind you to ALLAH about my Ahlul Bait, I remind you to ALLAH about my Ahlul Bait. ”, Authentic hadith narrated by Muslim.❤
– Nurul Aein.
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Pengiktirafan Taraf Global, Sokongan Penuh dan Program Mukjizat Al Quraan, Kerjasama dengan
● A.H.S.Intl University
●The Islamic Supreme Council of
●International Peace Mission USA