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Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani (R)’s Sermon

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Post Managed by: Janina Fassbinder, Nittenau, Schwandorf, Germany.


22 DZulHijjah 1433 / 6 -11-2012

Audzubillahi minasheitannir radjim,
Bismillahhir Rahmannir Rahim,
AllahumaSali ala Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam,

Madad Ya Sayyidi Ya Mursid Ya Haqqani Ya Rabbani,

AsalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu

My dear beloved son,

I am becoming old and with one feet already in the grave listen my beloved son there are two types of knowledge
Rahmani or sheitani.

The most beautiful thing to write is helping people to see there own lights.. when your writings helps people towards there own lights, you have than given your shoulders to them as a real friend and that is a real brother, even without meeting you they will love you, and they will always remember you in there hearts, that is the power of Lights of the inner beauty of the inner clean heart,

If someone is blessed by our Lord to bring his own lights in to words, than it is not empty words, but that writing has a soul of love and the words of ink are the secret mantel of the written wisdom, yes the words that has been written by love the words are like the shell and if someone read it with the awaken open heart will take directly the hidden pearls that has been secret hidden in to the words of ink,

This type of writing is not a earthly writing it is heavenly, only heavenly writing brings a soul in the words, if a word has a heavenly soul than it becomes a channel to heavens,


Heavenly words are called wisdom because only wisdom opens the reader towards there own inner lights, this inner lights is also written but not with the ink of this world, no!, it is written in the inner book of the hearts with the ink of Nurun ala Nur the ink of lights, only this inkt of lights is the food of the inner heart, it is written in the heart with the Holiest Hand His hand without form of the holiest spirit this is a secret of the RuhulQudus, even the First Pen has been created from this Holiest Lights, it is the Most Honored Lights it is the very First Light that Allah Almighty opened before anything was created, It is His Lights from Himself from our Creator Self that He loved from Himself for us for Himself to be known,

And our Creator has open from Himself His Own Lights and have said to His own Lights

“I call you Oh My Own Light NurMuhammad” yes there are different types of writings one type may put your lights “off” and you will be by yourself not knowing what to do…what can you do? if you are in a room and you put the lights “off” you will be standing by yourself in the darkness!

The other type of writing it helps you to put your inner lights “ON” That is wisdom it will give you good result because it has a soul wisdom it is alive… therefore be careful for what you read one type may make you ill and the other is healing energy for you…

Therefore the best to read are the holy books like the Bible the Torah or the Holiest Quraan, and the Holiest sayings of Prophets and Saints specially the sayings of our Most Beloved Prophet SalalahuAlahiWaSalaam, the Ah-Hadith are the Holiest sayings of all origin of the Real Truth Way of live for understanding about your relation relations with your family your friends and with everyone, from the earthly level taken you to the Highest level…teaching you understanding step by step to know who you are,

My beloved son remember we are from two different part, one is from earth the other is divine it is our soul or Ruh, our Ruh is from Most Hidden living power Lights this power has been trusted in the heart of mankind.
To understand the secret of Ruh you need the words that has the Light…. so to find your Light to, if someone have been blessed to find his own light than the light itself it will teach the person.

The soul start from inside to feed you and to un light you and you will start to learn about your Ruh, and who has been blessed to know his Ruh will know his Lord!

From earth it is earthly ink but in heavens it is the reality the essence of Allah Almighty’s Nur Lights.

Only trough His Lights we may be blessed to recognize our lights because we are coming from Allah and we will return to Him,

The Highest Light to read is infact to drink the lights you may think how can I do that?
Only if you drink the lights you will open His Hidden treasure, it is the same like someone tells about honey in words they may say that they understand the meaning of honey.

But only by eating or drinking the honey only than you will have the benefit of it.

People they may speak about Islam, but without the lights you can’t come out the darkness, there are different layers of darkness hidden darkness, darkness from the earth darkness from fire, darkness from hell, a little spot of darkness from hell will put this earth in dark dark darkness, look a simple volcanic eruption may cover in a day time everything in darkness..what do you think if Allah Almighty opens a little spot of hell in day time?
What can happen than!

May Allah forgive us and protect us..Amin..



Oh people there is a place of lights, also there are black spots that appear in the place of lights, it is your heart, if someone do intending a bad action a black spot will appear in his heart, and this black spots may come up more and more making the place of Lights completely in durty darkness than the lights will not be seen and this kind of actions will close the divine connection towards heavens.

And there will be only darkness in his heart, there for there are different writings.. one is sheitanic and the other Rahmany , one is the ego and one is the opening of the Holiest breath the holiest breath is the Light itself from Allah Almighty, the ego is created from smoke-lose fire, it is always against Allah against the truth, the ego is a dark channel with sheitan, and who listen to his ego is following sheitan, this may be hidden in a person he don’t know that he is following sheitan because the ego is always hiding and saying that it is good but it is bad, and the ego is saying this is bad but it is good, for this hiding the reality of truth, to see this clear that bad is bad good is good you need the lights. the Lights is supported by Angels and Souls of Prophets and Saints.. they are the helpers of the Lights of Allah Almighty they are infact the Lights of Allah created to help the children of Adam towards heavens.
There are deep darkness deep darkness over darkness, There are lights upon lights Nurun ala Nur, Spirituel stations Makams in the divine presence infinite Makams folowing by holding His Lights will save you in this dunia and save you in Akhirah.

To follow the ego it is like eating with sheitan so to become the darkness itself and you will be sheitan to,
To follow His Prophets and Saints it is by action and that opens that the heart will drink and eat from the spiritual food of the lights,
The Lights Nurun ala Nur is the heavenly channel only trough a clean heart it opens the person to enter in to the Lights and becomes one with the Lights it is like the sugar cup if it meld by turning the spoon in the ocean it may go and mix to be everywhere in the RuhaniyaNur.
Nur is not Ruh, Nur is the manifestation of Ruh,
without the Ruh there is no Nur Lights.
Ruh is the power that makes the lamp the heart of men “ON”
Ruh is the secret of the Holiest Breath of Allah Almighty and this has different manifestations from the lowest creation till the highest honored creation mankind.
Mankind has been created above all creation.
Mankind has been created for Allah and the other creation has been created for mankind.
It has been trusted to mankind and the children of Adam have been created to represent Allah Almighty in heavens and on earth.
to understand the government of heavens you need to learn about the Lights to learn about the lights is to start knowing about yourself .
Lights shows the way to your Ruh, Ruh shows the way to your reality, And the essence of Reality is NurMuhammadi SalalahuAlahiwaSalaam,
We all are created from NurMuhammadi but we have been sent to earth we need the Prophets and there inheritors the Saints to be awaken up from the life of the death of the selfish ego.
For this only reading books of knowledge is not enough.
The ego may trap you because it wanted to be your god and the ego wanted that you must obey your ego making you to believe that you are a very good one…but it is his trap to eat you!!!!!
Yes there are different knowledge.

Rahmani or sheitani..



Oh my beloved son be always in the company of the closest ones of Allah Almighty they are His Prophets and Saints they have the Lights to protect you, and to help you to know who you are,
Be with them try always to be in there company and you will be always successful in this world and in the hereafter.
Keep your Wasila always sincere connected with them, sincerity will lead you to Allah..
We are Rabbani you are Rabbani don’t forget this, this is coming from our Grandsheikh Abdullah it is from Allah for you this is our Way,
Say that you are Rabbani!

Oh my son what can i say more than that I love you my life I see myself in you I am happy with you…
Be always good for everyone keep always the highest good manners to everyone even to a little dog..or a fly.
Allah loves you my son and I am happy my heart anlights when I look to you… go on you can do it be a friend for everyone be a friend for the stranger and you will be beloved in heavens and beloved on earth.
This is the Way of our Most Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahualaihiWaSalaam.

Ohhh.. when you are coming to see me…
I miss you I expect you to be soon here InshAllah by Allah Almighty His blessings..
Pray for me and for the ummah Muhammadi from within we are all one family..
I am waiting for you my son,
My prayers and my blessings are with you…
For the honor of Allah Almighty His Most Beloved Prophet Salalahu Alahi Wasalaam may Allah Almighty makes everything easy for you… Al-Fatiha

Asalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhuu



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