World Sufi Media

Promotes Global Sufi Orders for Meaningful Peace

Resisting Injustice Peacefully: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives

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Post Managed by: Susan D. Eleanor, Grand Rapids, MI, USA:

Abraham Joshua Heschel, reminding us of one the key teachings of our Abrahamic Prophets. “Few are guilty, but all are responsible”, so said.

For confronting and resisting injustice, we are all responsible indeed. But how do we do this wisely, effectively, and morally? Rumi Forum and JIDS will bring in two diverse experts to provide insights on this question.

Dr. Sophia Pandya is currently a full professor and department chair at California State University at Long Beach, in the Department of Religious Studies. She has written extensively on the topic of resistance efforts in the Muslim world. Rabbi Michael Pollack is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and now serves as the Executive Director of March on Harrisburg. It is our hope that by having an interfaith dialogue led by an esteemed academic and a community activist who fights injustice in the trenches, we can truly honor the spirit of Dr. King in addressing such a hallowed topic.


Source: Rumi Forum

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