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Global Sufi Media Shaykh Hisam Kabbani


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Source: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad’s FB Wall, GSM Desk:
الأسماء الروحانية التي سُمّي بها الشيخ هشام قبّاني رواية عن مشايخه
Among the names by which my Liegelord Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is known among the Men of spiritual enlightenment according to what Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil openly stated, is that Shaykh Hisham is known by the names (1) MADADUL HAQQ (The Support from Allah), (2) HUJJATULLAH AL-MUKHLIS (The Sincere Proof from Allah), and he (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim) said, narrating from Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abd Allah Fa’iz al-Daghistani, that the latter told him (Shaykh Hisham): “Your titles among the Awliya are (3) THAMIRUL HAQQ (The Abundant Fruit-Bearer from Allah), (4) ZAYNUL ABIDIN (The Adornment of Worshippers). And your title is [also] (5) MURADULLAH AL-DHAKIR (The Divinely-Intended Rememberer).
And Mawlana Shaykh Nazim also repeatedly gave him (Shaykh Hisham) the titles (6) QUTBUL MUTASARRIF (The Pole of Complete Discretion), (7) LISANUL AWLIYA (The Spokesman of the Friends of Allah), (8) KHALIFATUL MAHDI (Al-Mahdi’s Caliph), (9) MAHBUB (Well-Beloved), and (10) MAHBUB AL-KULL (Well-Beloved by All), meaning by all the Prophets, Awliya, and Ahl Diwan al-Nabi (the People of the Prophet’s Assembly) — upon him and them blessings and peace — and the Righteous.
There is no knowledge of anyone else other than Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, among those who took from Mawlana Shaykh Abd Allah and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, or who took from the latter alone, that either of them gave any human being such lofty titles and honorable names such as the ones they gave to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, which contain whatever they contain of meanings and secrets.
Blessings and peace on the Prophet, his Family, and all his Companions.
من أسماء سيدي مولانا الشيخ هشام القباني بين الرجال الإشراقيين على ما أفاده مولانا الشيخ ناظم عادل علناً، أن الشيخ هشام معروف باسم مَدَدُ الحَقِّ حُجَّةُ اللهِ المُخْلِصُ، وقال روايةً عن سلطان الأولياء مولانا الشيخ عبد الله فائز الداغستاني، قال للشيخ هشام: لقبُك بين الأولياء ثَمِيرُ الحَقِّ زَيْنُ الْعَابِدِينَ، ولقبُك مُرَادُ اللهِ الذَّاكِرُ. ولقّبه الشيخ ناظم مراراً بألقاب: قُطْبُ المُتَصَرِّفِ، ولِسَانُ الْأَوْلِيَاءِ، وخَلِيفَةُ المَهْدِي، ومَحْبُوبٌ، ومَحْبُوبُ الْكُلِّ. أي محبوب الأنبياء والأولياء وأهل ديوان النبي ﷺ والصّالحين. ولا يُعرف لسواه ممن أخذ عن مولانا الشيخ عبد الله وعن مولانا الشيخ ناظم أو عن الأخير فقط، أنّ أحدَهما لقّب أي إنسان بمثل ما لُقِّب مولانا الشيخ هشام من الألقاب والأسامي الفاخرة التي فيها ما فيها من المعاني والأسرار. وصلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم.

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