World Sufi Media

Promotes Global Sufi Orders for Meaningful Peace

Qwwali Carton 2020

Why shall remember 2020?

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O! 2020, your this passing away, is not remember-able.

Year 2020 is the year of CoronaViras Pandemic. This year the global society including the Sufi community has suffered a lot. It is not so easy to narrate or express properly in a numeric figure or an article.

This passing year 2020 will remain noted as a year of sorrow, loss, grief and death.

Every year, people write and publish their good complements and comments about the passing year, just before a new year.

Now it is end of December. 5 days later, we are going celebrate the new year 2021.

By this time a YouTube channel named, “Shabba Khair Qawwali Group”, has published an animated mock-up video upon the passing year 2020. It has a talented view.

Qawwali is respected part of Sufism. To show our support and unity with the thought of Shabba Khair Qawwali Group, we are giving the link here for our respected visitors.

Though its in Urdu language but we think it will spread a really thoughtful message for the entire global society.

Please, watch the video:

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