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Global Sufi Media Mawlana

The smell of Ruh is the essence of the Rose: Achmad Pattisahusiwa

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If your heart is strong in Trust and in Faith believing through direct experience from within the Ruh seeing and witnessing through every heart beat that we are in Ruh One this is the home of Ihsan pure Love, if your heart is firm knowing by direct experience witnessing that all creation is in union the light NurMuhammad than it is obligatory for you to follow through Ruh our Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam to be him to be like him SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam to be in oneness in his doa and through every breath through every heart beat receiving the Amanat of Life to light the Heavens and the earth. In this all creation are in need of NurMuhammadi the first Light Allah Almighty created from His own Light was the Light of our Prophet Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam and from the light of our Most Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam Allah SubhanawataAla has created the whole creation. To follow our Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam from dunja to Mawla it is through Shariat on Tarikat to be open into Haqqiqat. for this we need guidance from Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty has given His trust of guidance to Rasulullah SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam and to all His Prophets this Amanat is Ruh it is the power to make the Light to appear this Amanat is the Ruh of Koon Fayakoon and our Prophet is this Amanat for all creation our Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam is the Ruh of Koon Fayakoon SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam, hidden in our prayers is to open our heart is to be open from within the Ruh and to take them who have respect for the Love of creation Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam to take them inside your heart beat inside the opening of Ruh and for the Love of our Most Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam in secret in doa in prayers we may carry there burden with Love and ask forgiveness for them and we must be faithful like Hazrat AbuBakrAsSiddiq like Hazrat Shah Mardan Hazrat Ali ibn AbuTalib A.S as they follow our Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam as he prayed for the whole ummah they followed the best example and in this we may pray for them in the same spirit through the same Ruh, only through good intention this secret will open this opening has been shown to us through Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Adil AlHaqqani Q.S. we must go on as he showed the way of Love we must take it with our whole heart stand up and go on through his Love… till they may see and know you that your intention is Love than as we learned the way of Haqqiqat from Mawlana in the same Love they may be sent by Allah Almighty to you to learn from you how to sail in storm to save themself to save there family to save step by step our brothers and sisters. we have been created from different part of the earth but in Love we are Lightbeing we are all from His light we are His Beauty. the Amanat of Allah Almighty has been put inside it is Trusted and kept hidden like a pearl within the Shell. Hidden but it is Trusted to all of us.. but

not everyone is seeing this… for the one who is blind from within but believe in Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad for Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam we may do our best to give our shoulders to help the blind ones towards the Light a miracle may open life in the eyes of the heart of the blind one believe in Love and focus pure for Allah Almighty’s Love praying for His Love for them in his spirit and through the union of soul of our Prophet SalalahuAlaihiWaSalaam Allah Almighty may see His Prophet SalalahuAlaihiwaSalaam inside you this is possible through your intention you want what Allah Almighty want this opens you in the secret of Ruh to be from Allah for Allah Almighty Himself He may bless you and the blind to see again from within we must not give up… hold Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Sheikh Mehmet and hold your Sheikh in your heart in this Allah Almighty makes us strong we are AhliSunnah wa Djamah Alhamdulillah highest honour…

Source: Mawlana (Group of Naqshabendi Tariqa)

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