World Sufi Media

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The 33rd ORS Festival of the Universal Sufi Saint at Rahe Bhander

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The annual ORS Festival (Disappearance Ceremony) of the Universal Sufi Saint- The Complete Delineator of the Indeed Mystical wisdom of Allah- Hadrath Moulana Syed Mohammed Abdul Malek Shah (R:) is going to be observed on Tuesday, June 5 according to the 22 Joisto of Bengali Calendar in highly religious aspect.The ORS festival will be observed at the historical place of Rahe Bhander The Kadhurkhil Mono-Theological Resource Center which, is well known as Rahe Bhander Kadhurkhil Dorbar Sharif as an well established school of Mono- Theology in the region for half a century.  Infect, a number of Sufi devotee of the Rahe Bhander Sufi Order, Social figures and attendance of mess people from every part of the society make a human ocean on the day of occasion. A whole day long religious programs has been taken to perform associate prayer to the Almighty Allah for the peace and prosperity of individual and the global society. 

The surviving Sufi Master of the Rahe Bhander Doctrine- Hadrath Moulana Syed Zafor Sadek Shah (MZA) invited all the man and women of every religion and sect to be attend on the ceremony. He, organizing the annual ORS Festival in association with the Association of Rahe Bhander Affectionate, the Scholars Association of Rahe Bhander, the Youth Association of Rahe Bhander, Rahe Bhander Multimedia and the Sufi Musicians Association of Rahe BhanderPosted 31st May 2012 by SA MEDU

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